A Thank You Letter to the LSU Football Team

Dear LSU Football Team,

You sure do know how to make my heart race. You know every button to push to make me mad, and you that know matter what you do, I’ll always come back to you. You keep me on my toes, and every now and then make me want to run out of the stadium cursing you (only once or twice I promise). With the first game of the season only two days away I wanted to put this out there. Here a few things I want to thank you for

Thank you for allowing us to look like an absolute fool just to get on TV.


Thank you for making it okay to start drinking at 9 am. 


(not me mom and dad I don’t drink)

Thank you for allowing an entire stadium to publicly shame a team by our chanting. lsu-girl-goes-hard-during-game-against-georgia

She knows whats up.

Thank you for this perfectly timed video. 


I know you didn’t film this but without you we wouldn’t have it, so thank you.

Thank you for allowing me to finally talk to that boy at his tailgate. 


Me giving him the look from across the parade grounds.

Thank you  for making Les do this.


All in all thank you for making me love football more and more everyday. 


Until next time, and don’t forget the chips and queso.


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